HowTo Guides

Windows Vista / 7 – Default gateway

A problem which although I thought was initially fixed (see quickfix below) reoccurred later that same day. The issue was reported as ‘no internet connection’ which turned out to be a misconfigured default gateway

Windows Server

SBSBIOSLock error when installing SBS on HP ML110 G6

SBSBIOSLOCK on ML110When installing Small Business Server 2008 R2 on a brand new HP Proliant ML110 G6, we kept getting the following error when trying to boot from the HP Quickstart Installation CD. It could not progress any further


Kickstarter projects

Kickstarter is powered by an all-or-nothing funding method where projects must be fully-funded or no money changes hands. By backing projects you can either basque in the knowledge that you have helped to fund someones idea, or help by buying Beta or first run batches of the product.

Here’s the recent Kickstarter projects that I’ve backed :

HowTo Guides

Cisco IOS deleted by mistake? Recovery guide

It happens… You are updating the IOS firmware on your Cisco device, and you get distracted. You deleted the old firmware to make space for the new, started the TFTP transfer, and somewhere in the 10 minute wait – you get distracted and something goes wrong. You’ll end up with a Cisco (877 router in my case) which is now in recovery mode – displaying ‘rommon’

HowTo Guides Windows Server

Out of Office replies from Distribution Groups

Need to have Out-of-Office responses sent if one of the members of the Distribution Groups is OoO? By default – if an email is sent to a disribution group, and even if that group only contains 1 member who sets OoO to ON – a automatic response will not be sent.


Attix5 service failing to start – Error 1067

Recently, one of our Attix5 Backup clients stopped backing up. Turns out the Attix5 Backup Professional SE service was stopped, and when started failed with “Error 1067: The process terminated unexpectedly”